Sunday, May 1, 2016

Top 10 Problematic Rom-Com Relationships

We all know the classic rom-coms with that beautiful ending kiss. But some of these romances we have grown up envious of are problematic and maybe not as admirable as we previously thought.

10. (500) Days of Summer

While not exactly problematic, it’s frustrating that some people don’t realize Tom had ridiculously unrealistic expectations for his girlfriend Summer and their relationship that no woman should have to meet (which is, of course, the point).

9. Love Actually

So many relationships with males in positions of power hitting on their subordinates!

8. Something Borrowed

The relationship is between a woman and her best friend’s fiancé. Enough said. Actually, something else to say – you shouldn’t perpetuate the idea that cheating is okay if the girlfriend is seen as a ‘bitch.’

7. Bridges Jones’s Diary

Although Bridget and Daniel do not end up together, much of the film focuses on this slightly disturbing relationship that started with him inappropriately messaging her at work about her ‘inappropriate’ work clothes.

6. 27 Dresses

Far be it for me to complain about James Marsden (that jawline though!), but he is an awful character. He’s basically like “I’m gonna watch you change in the back of a cab, stalk you, force you to talk to me, seduce you, then publish a newspaper article that completely embarrasses you.” What a catch.

5. Pretty Woman

Well, the lead man hires a prostitute because he can’t find himself a girlfriend. Then he falls for her when he discovers she isn’t a typical hooker – whatever that means.

4. Grease

The basic moral for this relationship is that if you dress and act a certain way, you can get the guy. No matter how cute those leather pants are, Danny is so not worth it!

3. The Notebook

Dear Ryan Gosling, it is not okay for you to threaten killing yourself to get a girl to go out with you. No means no. Also, my definition of a fairy tale relationship isn’t a couple that always fights and slaps each other.

2. 50 First Dates

Using a woman’s brain injury to always know the right thing to say is downright disgusting. No matter how cute your pet penguin is.

1.      Twilight 
Where to begin? Edward is your stereotypical stalker watching a teenage girl sleep but add in supernatural strength and a desire to eat her and you get a super creepy relationship. And that's before we even talk about the sequels. 

This is by no means an all-encompassing list. Comment below if you disagree with any of our choices or if you think we missed some!

By Nicole & Jenna

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